Jewish Holidays
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Make The Call
A powerful story about courage, humility and forgiveness, that will change your Yom Kippur. When Nancy Baida and Harry Ashkanazi ran into an argument at a Chinese Auction, they never expected it to end the way it did. -
You Are No Less Than All Those Who Ruled The World
It's interesting that "Arur Haman" and "Baruch Mordechai" have the same numeric value, but what is the depth of this idea? -
Is There A New Israel?
In the Purim story, Achashverosh, Ahasuerus, dresses himself as the High Priest in the Holy Temple. What did he hope to gain by doing this? -
Why Esther Insisted It Be "Megillat ESTHER"
Beyond the sanctity of the pious and righteous ones is that of Clal Yisrael. -
Purim: How the Final Redemption Will Play Out
The Talmud says Israel's redemption will come quickly, but stage after stage.
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